饾悓饾悗饾悜饾悇 饾悜饾悇饾悤饾悎饾悇饾悥饾悞
饾悂饾悇饾悅饾悗饾悓饾悇 饾悁 饾悘饾悁饾悡饾悜饾悗饾悕
patreon.comHaifa, Israel 馃嚠馃嚤
Black Metal
The Whore of Megiddo - Bass, Vocals
Abra Cadabra Magid of Acco - Drums
Tortureus Disederious - Guitars
The Old Man of Zeat - Guitars
Forests of Dark Mayhem
Demo October 1993 Cassette
Heller Production
Side A - Side Open Womb
1. Burning Jerusalem
2. After the Nuclear Holocaust Pr. 4/
The Art of Saducing Retarded Children
3. Eating Sins in the Synagogue/
Peeing on the Big Cross
4. Sucking Ejaculation from the Black Goat/
Cutig Clitoris from Unholy Cunts
Side B - Side Diabolical Horn Eyes
5. After the Nuclear Holocaust Pr. 8/
Fascistic Black Metal
6. Spliting the Infested Womb
7. Dafna Qween of the Wheep
8. A.T.N.H: Euronymus, I Dance on Your Grave
9. Romantic Rape
Recorded in October 1993 at Signal Studios.
Tracks 8 and 9 recorded in winter 1991.
饾悇饾惂饾悳饾惒饾悳饾惀饾惃饾惄饾悮饾悶饾悵饾悽饾悮 饾悓饾悶饾惌饾悮饾惀饾惀饾惍饾惁
@silvermoonmetalarchive 饾悽饾惉 饾悮 饾惄饾惈饾惃饾惁饾惃 饾惄饾惀饾悮饾悳饾悶, 饾悳饾惃饾惂饾惌饾悮饾悳饾惌 饾悵饾悽饾惈饾悶饾悳饾惌饾惀饾惒 饾悽饾悷 饾惒饾惃饾惍'饾悵 饾惀饾悽饾悿饾悶 饾惌饾惃 饾惉饾悶饾惂饾悵 饾悽饾惂饾悷饾惃. 饾悁饾惀饾惀 饾惈饾悽饾悹饾悺饾惌饾惉 饾悰饾悶饾惀饾惃饾惂饾悹 饾惌饾惃 饾悮饾惈饾惌饾悽饾惉饾惌 !
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