
poniedzia艂ek, 31 lipca 2023

American Brutal/Technical Death Metal: Suffocation (Long Island, New York) - Reincremated (Demo 1990) | Human Waste (EP 1991) | Effigy of the Forgotten (Full-length 1991) | Breeding the Spawn (Full-length 1993) | Pierced from Within (Full-length 1995) | Despise the Sun (EP 1998)

饾悓饾悗饾悜饾悇 饾悜饾悇饾悤饾悎饾悇饾悥饾悞

Long Island, New York
United States 馃嚭馃嚫
Brutal/Technical Death Metal

饾悅饾惍饾惈饾惈饾悶饾惂饾惌 饾惀饾悽饾惂饾悶饾惍饾惄

Terrance Hobbs - Guitars (1990-1998,
2002-present) Castrofate,
ex-Mortuary, ex-Tormentor

Derek Boyer - Bass (2004-present)
ex-Vital Remains (live), ex-Disgorge,
ex-Deeds of Flesh (live)

Eric Morotti - Drums (2016-present)

Charlie Errigo - Guitars (2016-present)

Ricky Myers - Vocals (2019-present)


饾悗饾悷饾悷饾悽饾悳饾悽饾悮饾惀 饾悥饾悶饾悰饾惉饾悽饾惌饾悶
饾悇饾惂饾悳饾惒饾悳饾惀饾惃饾惄饾悮饾悶饾悵饾悽饾悮 饾悓饾悶饾惌饾悮饾惀饾惀饾惍饾惁


[Demo] July 1990


1. Human Waste
2. Involuntary Slaughter
3. Reincremation

Recorded at Sunset Studios

Human Waste
[EP] May 1st, 1991
[CD, Cassette]
Relapse Records

Other version

[12", 33 ⅓ RPM]
US - 2023
Relapse Records


1. Infecting the Crypts
2. Synthetically Revived
3. Mass Obliteration
4. Catatonia
5. Jesus Wept
6. Human Waste (Demo)

Previously unreleased tracks
from the Reincremation Demo 1990

7. Involuntary Slaughter
8. Reincremation

Recorded and mixed at Recardamatt
Studio, West Islip, N.Y., Sep. 1990

Effigy of the Forgotten
[Full-length] October 22nd, 1991
[CD, Cassette, 12" vinyl]
R/C Records

Other versions

[12" vinyl, Cassette]
April 28th, 2023
Listenable Records

1. Liege of Inveracity
2. Effigy of the Forgotten
3. Infecting the Crypts
4. Seeds of the Suffering
5. Habitual Infamy
6. Reincremation
7. Mass Obliteration
8. Involuntary Slaughter
9. Jesus Wept

Recorded and mixed at Morrisound
Recording, Tampa, FL.


Frank Mullen - Vocals
Terrance Hobbs - Guitars
Doug Cerrito - Guitars
Josh Barohn - Bass
Mike Smith - Drums

饾悊饾惍饾悶饾惉饾惌/饾惉饾悶饾惉饾惉饾悽饾惃饾惂 饾惁饾惍饾惉饾悽饾悳饾悽饾悮饾惂
George Corpsegrinder - Vocals (backing)
(tracks 6, 7)

Breeding the Spawn
[Full-length] May 18th, 1993
[CD, 12" vinyl]
Roadrunner Records

Other versions

April 28th, 2023
[Cassette, 12" vinyl]
Listenable Records


1. Beginning of Sorrow
2. Breeding the Spawn
3. Epitaph of the Credulous
4. Marital Decimation
5. Prelude to Repulsion
6. Anomalistic Offerings
7. Ornaments of Decrepancy
8. Ignorant Deprivation

Recorded and mixed at Noise Lab,
West Islip, NY. Mastered at The Hit
Factory DMS, New York, NY.


Doug Cerrito - Guitars
Terrance Hobbs - Guitars
Chris Richards - Bass
Mike Smith - Drums
Frank Mullen - Vocals

Pierced from Within
[Full-length] May 1st, 1995
[CD, Cassette]
Roadrunner Records

Other versions

April 28th, 2023
[Cassette, 12" vinyl]
Listenable Records


1. Pierced from Within
2. Thrones of Blood
3. Depths of Depravity
4. Suspended in Tribulation
5. Torn into Enthrallment
6. The Invoking
7. Synthetically Revived
8. Brood of Hatred
9. Breeding the Spawn

Recorded and mixed at Morrisound
Recording, Tampa, FL. Mastered at
Fullersound, Miami, FL.


Frank Mullen - Vocals
Terrance Hobbs - Guitars
Doug Cerrito - Guitars
Chris Richards - Bass
Doug Bohn - Drums

Despise the Sun
[EP] 1998
[CD] Vulture Records

Other versions

[12" vinyl]
January 25th, 2019
Relapse Records

[12", 33 ⅓ RPM]
US - 2023
Relapse Records


1. Funeral Inception
2. Devoid of Truth
3. Despise the Sun
4. Bloodchurn
5. Catatonia (re-recorded)

Recorded at Cove City Sound Studios,
New York. Mixed and Mastered at
Morrisound Studios, Florida


Frank Mullen - Vocals
Doug Cerrito - Guitars
Terrance Hobbs - Guitars
Chris Richards - Bass
Dave Culross - Drums


饾悎 mediafire
饾悎饾悎 mega
饾悎饾悎饾悎 archive

@silvermoonmetalarchive 饾悽饾惉 饾悮 饾惄饾惈饾惃饾惁饾惃 饾惄饾惀饾悮饾悳饾悶, 饾悳饾惃饾惂饾惌饾悮饾悳饾惌 饾悵饾悽饾惈饾悶饾悳饾惌饾惀饾惒 饾悽饾悷 饾惒饾惃饾惍'饾悵 饾惀饾悽饾悿饾悶 饾惌饾惃 饾惉饾悶饾惂饾悵 饾悽饾惂饾悷饾惃. 饾悁饾惀饾惀 饾惈饾悽饾悹饾悺饾惌饾惉 饾悰饾悶饾惀饾惃饾惂饾悹 饾惌饾惃 饾悮饾惈饾惌饾悽饾惉饾惌 !

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