饾悓饾悗饾悜饾悇 饾悜饾悇饾悤饾悎饾悇饾悥饾悞
Avignon, Provence-Alpes-C么te d'Azur
France 馃嚝馃嚪
Death/Thrash Metal
饾悑饾悮饾惉饾惌 饾悿饾惂饾惃饾惏饾惂 饾惀饾悽饾惂饾悶饾惍饾惄
Cyril Sanchez - Bass (1988-1993)
Damien Carraz - Drums (1988-1993)
Polux - Guitars (1990-1993), Vocals (1992-1993)
饾悘饾悮饾惉饾惌 饾惁饾悶饾惁饾悰饾悶饾惈饾惉
David - Guitars (?-1989)
Thierry Allard - Guitars (1988-1989)
Dominique "Bubble" Masset - Guitars (1988-1989)
Philippe Tourville - Guitars (1988)
ex-Death Power
Patrick Chaudon - Vocals (lead) (1988-1992)
Manu - Guitars (rhythm), Vocals (backing) (1989-1991)
Pozzi - Guitars (1992-1993)
饾悑饾悽饾惎饾悶 饾惁饾惍饾惉饾悽饾悳饾悽饾悮饾惂
Emeric "Waldo" Dumont - Bass (1991)
饾悆饾悽饾悹饾悽饾惌饾悮饾惀 | 饾悂饾悮饾惂饾悵饾悳饾悮饾惁饾惄
饾悇饾惂饾悳饾惒饾悳饾惀饾惃饾惄饾悮饾悶饾悵饾悽饾悮 饾悓饾悶饾惌饾悮饾惀饾惀饾惍饾惁
De Profundis
[Demo] August 7th, 1990
Side A
1. De Profundis (instrumental)
2. Light of Knowledge
3. World of Terror
Side B
4. Visions (of Your Death)
5. Blindfold
6. Emotion Machine
Recorded August 5-7, 1990
at Studio AID, Pernes
Beyond the Real
Demo 1991
Side A
1. Mister Lolly
2. Last Breath
3. Holy Land
Side B
4. Memento Mori
5. Toxic Winds
6. Beyond the Real
Bonus track
7. Mister Lolly (Live)
Recorded August 13-20, 1991
Studio AID, Pernes
Side A
1. Mister Lolly
2. Last Breath
3. Holy Land
Side B
4. Memento Mori
5. Toxic Winds
6. Beyond the Real
Bonus track
7. Mister Lolly (Live)
Recorded August 13-20, 1991
Studio AID, Pernes
Promo Tape '92
Demo 1992
Side A
1. Deadly Temptation
2. Vox in Excelso
Side B
3. Antithesis of Life
4. Eternal Rest
Bonus tracks
5. Vox in Excelso (Live 1992)
6. Emotion Machine (Live 1991)
7. Cantara / Deadly Temptation (Live 1992)
8. Victim of Disaster (Nomed cover)
(Live 1993)
Recorded August 10-12, 1992
Tymix Studio, Pignan
Side A
1. Deadly Temptation
2. Vox in Excelso
Side B
3. Antithesis of Life
4. Eternal Rest
Bonus tracks
5. Vox in Excelso (Live 1992)
6. Emotion Machine (Live 1991)
7. Cantara / Deadly Temptation (Live 1992)
8. Victim of Disaster (Nomed cover)
(Live 1993)
Recorded August 10-12, 1992
Tymix Studio, Pignan
Cyril Sanchez - Bass, Vocals (backing)
Damien Carraz - Drums
Polux - Guitars, Vocals
饾悆饾悗饾悥饾悕饾悑饾悗饾悁饾悆 饾悗饾悘饾悡饾悎饾悗饾悕饾悞
@silvermoonmetalarchive 饾悽饾惉 饾悮 饾惄饾惈饾惃饾惁饾惃 饾惄饾惀饾悮饾悳饾悶, 饾悳饾惃饾惂饾惌饾悮饾悳饾惌 饾悵饾悽饾惈饾悶饾悳饾惌饾惀饾惒 饾悽饾悷 饾惒饾惃饾惍'饾悵 饾惀饾悽饾悿饾悶 饾惌饾惃 饾惉饾悶饾惂饾悵 饾悽饾惂饾悷饾惃. 饾悁饾惀饾惀 饾惈饾悽饾悹饾悺饾惌饾惉 饾悰饾悶饾惀饾惃饾惂饾悹 饾惌饾惃 饾悮饾惈饾惌饾悽饾惉饾惌 !
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